Welcome to Njekai Affordable Therapy Global Ltd (NATGlo)

NATGlo envisions a world where mental health support is easily accessible and affordable for everyone. By leveraging technology and prioritizing user needs, NATGlo aims to empower individuals worldwide to prioritize their mental well-being and find the help they need.

About Us

Who are we

Njekai Affordable Therapy Ltd (NATGlo) is a company that works towards providing affordable mental health service through our mobile application, UzimaPulse. UzimaPulse is an application designed to provide accessible and affordable therapy for individuals worldwide who are struggling with mental health issues. With a mission to break down barriers and prioritize mental well-being, UzimaPulse aims to bridge the gap between those in need and the professional support they deserve.

Global Reach

UzimaPulse recognizes that mental health knows no boundaries. By leveraging technology, the application ensures that individuals across the globe can access therapy conveniently and affordably, irrespective of their geographical location.

Affordable and Accessible

UzimaPulse is committed to making therapy affordable for all. Through innovative pricing models and partnerships with mental health professionals, the application offers cost-effective therapy options, eliminating financial obstacles that often prevent individuals from seeking help.

Diverse and Qualified Therapists

UzimaPulse boasts a vast network of licensed and highly skilled therapists. These professionals specialize in various therapeutic modalities and cater to a wide range of mental health concerns. UzimaPulse ensures that therapists undergo a rigorous screening process to maintain the highest standards of care.

User-Friendly Interface

UzimaPulse features a user-friendly interface that prioritizes ease of use and accessibility. UzimaPulse's intuitive design allows users to navigate seamlessly through the platform, schedule appointments, and communicate securely with their chosen therapist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions the we encounter everyday

1. Do I have to be diagnosed with a mental illness to go for therapy?

No you do not. You can either start therapy to get a diagnosis or start therapy just to talk to someone.

2. What is the process of booking a session?

Download the UzimaPulse app, browse the categories and therapists, choose the one that suites your needs and engage in a secure video or voice session from anywhere at any time.

3. How many sessions will I need?

This is dependent on the presenting problem brought to the session. It can be as little as 6 sessions or it can go on for years. It is advisable that you ask your therapist for a progress report ever so often to see how far you have come in accomplishing your mental health goals

4. Does affordability mean lower therapy quality?

No, all therapists are licensed professionals. We've made our services affordable through smart pricing, not compromised quality.

5. How frequently will I be meeting my therapist?

It is advised to start off by meeting your therapist weekly to be able to create a substantial client-practitioner rapport.

6. What issues can I seek therapy for here?

We cover anxiety, depression, relationships, self-esteem and more. Our therapists are equiped to be as versatile as possible to meet our clients needs

7. Do I have to stick to one therapist?

If you feel like you aren't a match with your therapist, feel free to book a different therapist on your next session

8. How secure is my information when using UzimaPulse?

The privacy of your information is paramount. We use advanced security measures, 2 step verification, encription and the therapists follow very strict confidentiality rules to ensure your information stays safe


Victoria Lydia Njeri

Managing Director

A dedicated lady from Kenya devoted to boosting mental well-being. As Managing Director at Njekai Affordable Therapy Global, my mission is accessible top-quality mental health support. UzimaPulse, our application under Njekai Affordable Therapy Global, truly lives up to its name – it's all about being Full of Life. From personal experience, I've harnessed therapy's transformative power since age 22, guiding self-discovery and resilience with empathy and evidence-based approaches. Let's build a culture where seeking therapy signifies strength, changing lives step by step

Erastus K. Ngotho

Chief Developer

A multi-lingual web and system developer who has over a decade of experience building and develping systems. I however have a passion in making the world a better place and improving the quality of life for everyone. I have a passion for mental health because I believe that once you master your brain there isn't anything you can't achieve.

Annastasia O'bonyo

Lead Consulting Therapist

A mental health practitioner and advocate whose goal has been to provide access to mental health services and facilities to low income communities. As The Lead Consulting Therapist, I would love to expand this access not only to local clients but international ones as well. I have worked with various organizations to provide pro bono services and through this innitiative, I hope to continue striving for my goals of a world where mental health services are one of the most accessible healthcare services



P.O. Box 00900 - 24

Kiambu, Kenya

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+254 7285 99133

+254 7402 90433

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Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00AM - 05:00PM

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